Photoсross includes such concept as speed, creativity, technology photos, healthy lifestyle, dialogue on interests.
For some time, participants fotokrossa must do some photos for a predetermined topics, for example:: "Traces", " New tradition ", "Window in the world ", " On a wire " and so on, the topic is usually very original. To move on city it is possible on everything: on foot, in the car, on a bicycle, on rollers or public transport.
All interested persons can take part in competitions - enough have any camera (digital or film) and to pass simple registration. You can take part as one and as a team.
Participation in Photocross - process very dynamical and intresting, and it is not boring anyone.. Participants of Photocross find a new sight at beloved city. Photocross is a mirror of City. Asphalt, concrete and people. The modern rhythm of a life of city does not give time for rest. But to have a rest on the present, the test, is necessary new novel sensation. Simple method – Photocross.
Charm of novelty of photocross - a lot of interesting, creative and original photos.
Format of action
Wide open action aimed at:
- the increase in interest in photography and creative;
- development of creative abilities of participants;
- The organization of active intellectual rest
- popularization and development of a new kind of competitions.
What is required?
- More ideas.
- Excellent mood.
- A cheerful and creative team
- Unbanality of thought.
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